FIFA Beginner’s Guide – Kickstart Your Winning Journey!

FIFA Beginner’s Guide – Kickstart Your Winning Journey!

FIFA is an entertaining e-sports game that is no longer too strange to players; when you come to the game, you will experience dramatic and attractive matches. However, do you know how to play FIFA yet? If not, don’t worry because the article that Ubet95 is about to share below will guide beginners in the most detailed way on how to play!

Guide to using shortcut keys in FIFA

After entering the game, go to the gear to display the control panel, which you can use to set up key combinations to suit your preferences. This is a very important step for you when starting the match. Most of the time, gamers win or lose because they do not know the keyboard or remember the wrong combinations, leading to the upper and lower levels not listening.

Guide to using shortcut keys in FIFA

Keyboard shortcuts for techniques with balls

  • Ball holding technique: Q + C.
  • Crossing and heading skills: A.
  • Pass the ball over the goalkeeper: Q + D (alignment and hold are important to achieve the desired effect.)
  • Lob technique: Shift + A.
  • Crossing skill when passing: wait for the ball to get close to the player then select Z.
  • Shading technique: D – S.
  • Juggling shortcut: select Shift + Z.
  • Ball blocking skill: press the navigation button then press the E key.

Technical key combinations with players

  • Hotkey to call teammates: Q.
  • Wall toggle shortcut: press S + Q then press S.
  • Sprint skill: press the E key and hold the direction button to move in the direction you want to run.
  • Direct shooting skill: D.
  • Inside shot skill: Z + D.
  • Stretching skill: C + D keys.
  • Long shot technique: C + D.
  • Slot skill: W + Q.
  • Change player: select S.
  • Poke skill: press W.
  • Skill to support the player running when the ball is close: press C + Z.

Modes in basic FIFA gameplay

Coming to FIFA, you will be free to choose your own game modes. This is a big plus point of FIFA. Follow the introduction of game modes to choose the most suitable way to play FIFA.

Modes in basic FIFA gameplay

FIFA Basic Game Mode

In FIFA, there are three basic football modes: Dream Team, Tournament and Friendly Match. Tournament is one of the most basic modes of FIFA. When using this mode, players will compete directly with the computer. The gameplay of the FIFA tournament is similar to that of national football championships. 

Friendly Match is a mode where you can choose to play against a team of your choice. This is the most basic training mode. Dream Team will be unlocked when you reach level 4 of management. Dream Team mode has a total of 5 categories: amateur, semi-pro, pro, world, and legend. Within the 5 categories above, each category will be divided into 3 smaller categories. 

World Cup Game Mode

This is the new FIFA game mode. How to play FIFA World Cup includes 2 modes:

  • Machines and PvE.
  • Players and PvP.

Accordingly, players will be selected and control a national team participating in the World Cup Finals. Players will fight alongside them to conquer the dream cup.

The transfer market is no different. To sell a player, players simply select the player they want to sell and then bid. The only difference is that you can choose to buy the player in the desired quantity and price.

Upgrading players in FIFA is very simple. You just need to click on the upgrade icon next to the username. The more expensive the player, the higher the success rate of the upgrade. You pay attention to the blue bar, the fuller the blue bar, the higher the success rate.

The simplest guide to creating a FIFA team

With the way to play FIFA for beginners, it is certainly impossible to lack the steps to set up a team. The team is the backbone and is an extremely important step. Therefore, in the article below, we will guide you in setting up the simplest team.

The simplest guide to creating a FIFA team

Guide to setting up a FIFA squad 

To arrange your team and set up your battle with the best tactics, click on “Team Tactics” on the menu bar and select “Formation”. Here, you can adjust your team formation and players as you wish.

You can refer to the formation method by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Select the players you want to build a squad and put them in the main squad.
  • Step 2: After selecting up to 11 players, click on the salary calculation box at the bottom of the page.
  • Step 3: Proceed to move the players to the position you want to arrange.

In addition, you can also adjust the details of the gameplay, the way the ball moves, the attack position, etc. to suit yourself. There is a special thing about the way of playing FIFA: if you use the right coach, it will activate hidden attributes.

Guide to setting up a defense system

FIFA uses two defense systems automatic defense and custom defense. This allows players to be as creative as they want.

  • Auto Defense: This is the most basic defense for FIFA newbies. You can challenge the ball with a nearby player in just a few simple steps.
  • Custom Defense: This is an advanced defense. Your players will move tactically, and to steal the ball, you have to move your players at the right time.


Hopefully, the information about how to play FIFA that Ubet95 provides above will help you understand more about how to play, as well as tips to always win. Don’t forget to follow more great articles at Ubet95!

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